Bikes and karts bring competitive racing to a whole new level, what else could it be, Mario Kart Wii!!

User Rating: 10 | Mario Kart Wii (w/ Racing Wheel) WII
This game was an instant classic once Mario Kart Wii was released. The colors and concepts were bright, and all Nintendo fans grew curious and learned the way of the bike. It's amazing how a two wheel vehicle can change the whole game. That is exactly what it did. The game changed substantially. Another thing added was the Online Multiplayer. Local is good for friends, but online multiplayer changed the meetings. The player could wirelessly with anyone in the world. Mario Kart Wii was the complete package. The game provided everything a Nintendo fan wanted. The courses are very creative and memorable. I loved the ramps and trick system, as it provided a new way to boost ahead of someone. DK Summit and Volcano are my favorite. Mario Kart Wii have many challenges to unlock the karts. I'm very proud to say I've unlocked everything. I accomplished something. The game is forever part of me.