Insane Review!!

User Rating: 7 | Mario Sports Mix WII
You have to be kidding me if you want this game to be realistic take out the Mario Aspect and put in Mii's.
I cannot believe the harsh let me repeat that HARSH!! review that Gamespot put on this game. It is absolutely profound that they find this game Boring and Flat. It is not boring by any means if you have ever played any of the games in real life and I am sure you have, We all have they play with a decent set of rules and some fun aspects. For instance Dodge ball, It plays well it is a lot of fun to take out your opponents with a ball slam especially if they are taunting you ( Luigi ) ( Peach ) the game satisfies on all levels of play. Everyone I have played with really enjoys the simplicity of the controls and the easy game rules. especially since most of the controls sets mock each sport on the package. so play Basketball and you can play Hockey, and so on. the power up's are great fun just what you would expect from a Mario game. I love Wario attacks.
I just don't see why Gamespot believes this game is a dud it isnt by any means perfect but the game play and mechanics are simple fun and exciting with a host of stadiums and events to play. I have seen crap reviews before but this one takes the cake the game is easily a seven and it should have been given a better reviewer it sounds like this guy wants a Mario game to play like a professional sports game. Give me a break it's a Mario game Family fun and entertainment. Go back to you FPS and your complicated RPG's and time management games. and find something else to do. But please quit reviewing family games that are made for family values and simplicity. you obviously don't appreciate a solid family game. For the rest of you if you enjoy a fun mix of party and quick play Mario style games like Mario party and Wario ware games please by all means Ignore Gamespot's reviewer and take my advice rent this one play it with the family if you like it go buy it I already know you will. have fun till next time.

My Review:
Game Play=7
Animation/Graphics=10 ( I love the visuals)
Fun Factor=7.5
Supports Multiplay 7
Replay Value=7