Better than the movies!

User Rating: 9 | Marvel's Spider-Man PS4

From the start of the game, I loved it! I love the story, the ideas, the missions, the controls, the immersion! The small mini games make the story feel true, real, and make your feel as though you are actually Peter Parker! There are tons of things to do, which makes the game, never boring! The story keeps moving and flows so well as you progress through the game. I love that they used so many characters from the comics and somehow managed to fit them all into one Amazing game!


Graphics - Superb! - A+ : They are amazing! Especially in 4k HDR!

Controls - Good - B : They can be a bit cumbersome once you level up and get more moves. The game does try and remind you of the options you have and slows down the game at some points to help the story move.

Story - Superb! - A+ : This story made me laugh, made me want more, and even made me cry...yes it did. I was so involved in the game every step of the way that you really did feel like it was an interactive movie!

Learning Curve - Short - A : There are a few things that take time to remember, but the heads up display helps you through, which makes it easy!

Camera Angles - OK - C : This would be my only issue sometimes. When fighting the bosses and jumping around a lot, the camera angle would get crazy hard to control! Every time I would try and reset it, I was getting hit with something! Maybe if there was a way to target enemies that could fix this...if there is I missed it and I will update when I find out!

Overall - GREAT! - A : I game worth playing, owning, and after you beat it, it is still FUN being the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man!