Awesome free roam web slinging around the city!

User Rating: 9 | Marvel's Spider-Man PS4

The story in this game is the second best thing! Right next to the free roaming web slinging across the city, the way the game is meant to be played!

I've played a lot of spiderman games. And nothing came close to Spiderman 2 on the Ps2 back in the day. Allowing free roam around the city.

Yet this game up and surpassed that one. Exploring the large city of New York was so much fun. The web slinging felt smooth and easy. I loved the speed boost, and never veen having to touch the ground, going around the entire city.

And then the story. The story pulled me in, and I was attached to the characters. I loved the way they portrayed Peter and MJ in this game. It kept the humor spiderman deserves and I was laughing at all the minor jokes and conversations.

The only thing keeping it from a perfect 10 was the long grind to 100%. While I loved free roaming. There was way too many crimes around the city, too many side collectible missions. I didn't mind the side missions or collectibles. But getting an S rating in all the side fights, where there was a dozen in each city section became too much.

The story was around 6-8 hours to finish. Where the clean up was 20 hours. I'd rather more to the story, and less trying to go around grinding out crimes.