Improvements all around make this a much better game than the original but sadly it is even shorter.

User Rating: 8 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne PC
I'm so torn after beating this game. During the course of gameplay I found it to be a lot more enjoyable than Max Payne 1 but before I knew it the game was over. I thought the first game was short, but this left me dumbfounded.

Gameplay: 4/5
+ A definite improvement. The bullet-time is actually useful now and gives you a distinct advantage going into any battle. By default the right mouse button just slows down time for you, but still lets you move fast enough to react to enemies and typically you can kill them before they get you. The enemies still do plenty of damage if they hit you but it's not as frustrating as the first game. There are a few new guns for you to find but mostly they are the same ones as the first. What is introduced is a new alternate fire ability. This basically binds your molotovs and grenades to the F key so that you can throw them instantly without having to switch to them. If you don't have these, you will just do a melee swing with your weapon. One new thing that is introduced in this sequel is the ability to switch perspectives from Max to Mona during certain sections of the story. This allows you to play as Mona and get a different point of view of what's happening in the certain scenarios. The level designs are as great as, perhaps even better than, the original. Overall it seems like the few rough edges of Max Payne 1 were smoothed out and the result was very solid gameplay.

Story/Presentation: 4/5
+ The Max Payne series definitely has a strong story. This is comparable to the first and in my opinion slightly better. In the first game you never really had time to make an emotional connection with the characters since everything just started off so suddenly and you only uncovered bits of the past while playing. In this game, the relationship between Max and Mona definitely grows on you over time and you feel more invested in what's happening because of it. The story also seemed a lot clearer to me and you never lose focus of what's happening. The graphic novel cut-scenes are back which is good, but there are also a few scripted in-game cut-scenes which I was looking forward to.

Graphics: 4/5
+ In the few years between games, the graphics definitely had an overhaul. They got a new model for Max which is weird at first but you get used to it (at least his face doesn't look distorted now). From character models to textures to animations, everything is clearly an improvement.

Value: 1.5/5
+ I am completely disgusted with how short this game was. I beat it under 3 hours which to me is total nonsense. Everything about this game screamed improvement until I beat it and realized it was half the length of the first Max Payne. And one of the major criticisms I had about the first game was its length. I have no idea what the developers were thinking but this game should have been two to three times longer. Now, I will say that the story was able to progress fine with a beginning, middle, and end in the time given but there could have been so much more. Yes, this game is fun but when the fun lasts under three hours it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.