A timeless game, that is a must have for any Xbox collection!

User Rating: 8.1 | MechAssault XBOX
GamePlay: You play as a Mech Warrior, (Gundam?) You get to select which Mech you want to play, Which can ranges from Light to heavy. The Multiplayer, XBL might not be as active, but you can play the single player story. You use missiles, lasers, bullets, even jetpacks! Sound: Decent, annoying after you hear the sound of your missiles firing for the 45th time....

Graphics: A little outdated, Since it is one of the first games that shipped with the Xbox. But it still offers the same feeling as the enemy Mech explodes into a ball of flaming blaze.

Replay Value: Grinder - a Co-op gameplay that lets you and a friend fight a never ending horde of enemy mechs till you both die, and many more, XBL is a great choice, and is still very fun.

Summary: Decent blow em up Mech shooter, but dated graphics and XBL is not that very active.