A great game for PSP...

User Rating: 9 | Medal of Honor Heroes 2 PSP
I think that this is a great game for psp.Mainly because of the great graphics and sound.Also the multiplayer is great and can go up to 32 players which makes the game even more fun as well.

Graphics:9.0/10:This game has some awesome graphics for psp,and the graphics had made the game even more better and even more fun to play.

Sound:9.0/10:The sound was also another good thing about this game and that had even made the game even more better to play as well.

Playability:10/10:The playability in this game was great as well.

Entertainment:10/10:The main game is good,and the multiplayer really good to,with 32 players.

Overall:9.5/10:I think that this game is really good and has some great graphics and sound as well.Also it has a really good multiplayer as well.Also the playability is also good in this game to.