The MoH formula works well on a console. However lackluster online play and the repetitive campaign can be weak at times

User Rating: 7 | Medal of Honor PS3
When I first played Medal of Honor back in October on PC you could say I was disappointed. Well, I can now safely say that this new Medal of Honor was definitely fit for consoles. Medal of Honor isn't the best FPS of the past couple years, nor is it the worst. It has good aspects as well as some bad ones.

First off, the campaign is quite dry and at times can be a little tedious. Don't expect anything flashy, over the top or truly exciting from this game. Medal of Honor's campaign in reality is quite repetitive and never really goes anywhere. As a result, each mission pretty much feels just like the last one and for the most part all of the story missions even take place in very similar environments. There is little change of scenery, which in this case I think hurt Medal of Honor rather than help it. Also, most of the game takes place in the mountains… and that's just about all you see. Although you do get some weather and time changes, it doesn't quite make up for the fact you're doing essentially the same thing over and over.

In terms of mission variety, there is one helicopter mission in the middle section of the campaign but it's not all that great. All you get to do is fire the gun, the helicopter is piloted for you. In this situation, it seems like you're getting half of the experience and takes away from some of the fun. Furthermore, the mission in which you get to fly the helicopter is short, only about 10-15 minutes. In a couple missions you get to drive a quad as well, but it really isn't the most exciting experience. Consequently, the rest of the story missions merely consist of the usual running from bad guys, shooting terrorists, and shooting some more terrorists.

The length of the campaign is adequate though. It took me somewhere around 7 hours or so to complete it. You get to play as three different characters: Rabbit, Dante, and Deuce. Each of these characters is meant to give different viewpoints of the war yet except for Deuce (a Tier One operator) gameplay is relatively the same for all three characters and there's no real sense of attachment the player can develop for any of them. Overall, the campaign is worth checking out if you get the game, you just may not feel like finishing it for any reasons beyond getting the achievements.

In terms of some of the mechanics Medal of Honor can be really cheap. The auto aim is beyond what I would call excessive. Not to mention the same auto aim mechanics from the singleplayer are also present in the multiplayer as well! In story missions when lots of enemies are coming all you have to do is switch between aiming and shooting and the sights quickly snap onto targets. As a consequence, this makes everything a lot less challenging, and online frustrating because being good at this game takes very little skill. All in all, you can choose to ignore the heavy auto aim, but it will always be there.

Moving on…

Medal of Honor's multiplayer can be summed up only as a bittersweet experience. The first problem with online play is that the maps are very small. This is a bigger issue than some may think. As a result, most matches can end quickly with the other team cornering all your team mates into a corner of the map, and then proceeding to spawn kill like there's no tomorrow. This can be an exceedingly frustrating situation to be in at times there's no doubt about it. An additional problem with the multiplayer is auto aim. Nearly the same heavy auto aim mechanics from the singleplayer return in the multiplayer. The killing, death, and respawn turnovers can be rapid in this game, even from across the map. If an enemy is in sight you can aim and shoot very quickly. This keeps the pace going very nicely, however, the bad spawn locations make you into a victim of this cheap mechanic if you're not careful. In the end, Medal of Honor's multiplayer is somewhat unique, but not something to go into without expecting some irritation.

To sum things up, Medal of Honor is different from other FPS games on the market such as Call of Duty, and Battlefield. Don't go into Medal of Honor expecting to get the same thing that other FPS games offer, even though the multiplayer is made by DICE. Sometimes Medal of Honor is great, other times you can see its flaws all too well. It isn't the most polished game by any means but if you're an FPS fan this game is worth picking up for the right price in the bargain bin.

Pros -
+ PS3 Version comes with Medal of Honor Frontline HD on the Blu-ray
+ It's something different
+ Competitive Multiplayer
+ It provides some good fun for a little while

Cons -
- Campaign is repetitive at times
- Auto Aim is too powerful

Score 7/10