A lacklustre attempt at COD-ifying the MOH series.

User Rating: 6.5 | Medal of Honor PC
I went into MOH with impression it was a linear action FPS in the vein of the recent Call of Duty games. It is exactly what I had expected, however it is much less polished. I have a number of small complaints about this game, which when looked at in the big picture, are enough to push me to not strongly recommend this game.

- In ironsights, your aim is static. Most modern shooters have programmed in a bit of shakiness and without this it is less engaging to the player.

- There are no graphical options whatsoever. The lone choice is screen resolution

- Right up until the end, you will get popup notification on how to interact with the environment. Instead of letting you know 'f' kicks in a door in the first level and then counting on you to remember this for the next door you run into. It's also for knife kills, for crawling, and numerous other tasks. This is very interrupting to the flow of the game, but it is necessary because of the randomness of when you will have to use these interactions, and when the objects are not supposed to be interacted with. It is the result of poor level design

- The SP campaign is a measly 4-5 hours in length. It takes place in the Middle East, and is mostly about fighting and getting stuck behind enemy lines. There is limited political or social commentary, and no real plot or reason why you are engaging mercenaries instead of the Taliban for most of the game. The gunplay is mediocre and yet it seems the campaign is entirely superficial and reliant on the gunplay.

I would say that this game could be worth playing if one Call of Duty a year is not enough for you, and you see this for bargain bin prices. While it is not as good as the monster franchise it attempts to imitate, it is at its core similar enough to be a fun ride, given realistic expectations.