A game that falls short in almost every aspect of what it could have been.

User Rating: 4.5 | Medal of Honor PS3
Medal Of Honor: Reboot is a game that could have been a very cohesive game about the War In Afghanistan that featured a decent multiplayer. Instead we get half of a Medal Of Honor game that could have passed for being in its pre alpha stage and a multiplayer that feels like a scrapped Bad Company 2 downloadable content. Both on seperate engines. The controls are very clunky and the animations seem odd due to their robotic like attributes, this can most easily be viewed during reloads. The worst in the series. It does not even have the tone or feel of the other Medal Of Honors. Your team's artificial intelligence is awful. I was actually killed multiple times by my own team, they often throw grenades at walls making them bounce back. The best parts of this game is the ability to decapitate Taliban with your weapons, being able to stab the Taliban repeatedly, and the shotguns can be fun to use sometimes. Of course, all of this was taken out in multiplayer, which uses the same engine as Bad Company, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, just way too different from the single player, both modes having different control schemes.