It's like going out to eat and getting your favorite food only to find that the portion size's are way to small.

User Rating: 7 | Medal of Honor PC
So I had heard so much about this game and its predecessors that I finally decided that I had better give it a try. I was wowed by the games fast pace as well as some of the sound and visual effects but at the same time I was disappointed in the short game play time and the lack of real content that left the fame felling more like a side mission then an actual full length game. I consider my self to be a rather mediocre gamer. Lets just say that I wont be winning any COD tournaments anytime soon. Even still I was able to complete this game in just over 7 hours and I fond it to be very easy. Just for fun I went back and played the game again just to see how far I could get using only the hand gun. I also found the Apache mission a little to old school for me. It reminded me of playing an old live action game on the SEGA CD that had a very similar setup. The game was fun, I did enjoy it, but it was really lacking in content and re-playability.