Online component has serious problems.

User Rating: 6 | Medal of Honor X360
After you boil it down Medal of Honor is a let down. It is not a terrible game except for one important aspect which I will get to shortly but it's a game that misses in a variety of inexcusable ways.

First, the single player campaign is short, vague and just okay. I played through it on Normal and Hard....Hard is not really that difficult so it does not present much of an added challenge for a second play through. I did it to unlock the achievement and that is basically the only reason. The campaign with all its pretentious dedications does service to no one. It is not bad, but there is nothing particularly memorable about it either. The shooting mechanics are okay, not great. The aiming intelligence has a nasty habit of not focusing on target that is in the general direction of your gun barrel if it more then a moderate distance away. And frequently it is not quite clear what your objective is supposed to be. To further compound that frustration the HUD that is supposed to show your current objective tends to lag behind after a new objective is assigned which leads to unnecessary frustration as you try to figure out what to shoot or where to go. The HUD still shows the old objective while you are supposed to already be hunting down the new one.

The story line is a muddled mess with the audio mix being done so poorly that about a quarter of the time you cannot hear what the characters are saying so you quickly lose any interest in why you are going where, you just move through the terrain until you come to the next fire fight.

After Hard mode there is also another way to play through the campaign called Tier 1 which adds a timer element along with the normal mission objectives. Your goal becomes beating the clock along with beating the enemy. I wish I could tell you if this mode adds any value to the game or not but it requires online functionality. Since I am playing this game on an Xbox 360 with a wired connection that should not be a problem...but it IS a problem. Entirely because there is something seriously wrong with the EA server availability. I spent an hour trying to get into Tier 1 mode and kept getting a connection failure message (the entire time my Xbox Live status was logged in and connected).

I might be willing to chalk this up as an isolated incident however over the past week while I played the multiplayer part of Medal of Honor I consistently had problems connecting getting repeated messages of EA servers unavailable. Several times I simply gave up and went back to complete the single player campaign in Hard mode. Other times I was able to connect after 5, 10 or 15 minutes of repeated connection attempts. Before playing MoH I did a second play through of Dragon Age Origins and while an online connection is not required for that game it does check and attempt to connect you to the EA servers when you start playing. Guess what? I have had issues over the three weeks that it took me to do my second DA:O play through connecting to the EA servers.

Hey, EA...if you are going to offer multiplayer games or require online connectivity then YOU NEED TO HAVE SERVERS AVAILABLE. I am deducting one full point from the score of this game because of the totally unacceptable level of server availability. And I would caution people against other EA games based on my experience over the last month with their server availability. I did a few internet searches and I am not the only one that has experienced issues like this. It seems to be a persistent, unresolved problem that EA has had for at least a year or more.

So, when I was able to play the multiplayer game it seemed like the rest of MoH okay. The maps were good with lots of various terrain and they varied in size from relatively small to fairly large. The game play was also not bad. I am more of a Battefield multiplayer fan then I am a CoD multiplayer fan and I could tell the influences. But some key elements of top notch multiplayer are missing. The unlocks are few and far between, there are fairly limited classes and there was no "spotting" mechanic. Even the mechanics for calling mortar strikes was not very good.

So in summary, the single player game is just okay (although graphically nice to look at, except for character models), the multiplayer is just okay. Server availability is a HUGE issue and frankly even now that the game can be bought for less then $20 I am not sure I would recommend it. If EA fixes their server issues and you are a big FPS fan looking for a new game then it may be worth your time. Otherwise stick with one of the many other FPS that are currently available. Your time will probably be better spent elsewhere.