long overdue return to Nintendo consoles

User Rating: 9 | Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 + 2 NS

Some of the first games I ever played were Mega Man X games for Super NES. Once they left Nintendo, I never played one aside from the original 3, until now. This collection should've been out years ago, but it's finally here.

These games are some of the most inventive of their time, and virtually all hold up well today. The SNES games are the best because of their consistent graphics and awesome sounding music. The PSX games are good, tho they'd have been better if they had had SNES music/graphics, but that wasn't to be had. Still they're better than 90% of the stuff that comes out today.

Controls are great on the Switch's Pro-Controller. The medals make the games all much more interesting; the save system for SNES games is perfect, and the museum and X Challenge adds a really cool new twist to the series. I do hope Nintendo fixes up the volume issue that I noticed on the SNES games, tho that could be an emulation thing.