Metal Gear Online is a game that is easy to play but hard to master.

User Rating: 8 | Metal Gear Online PS3
When I started playing this game, I was surprised by how it incorporated MGS4 gameplay elements. The CQC system is almost the same, although the enemies I faced were much harder than any AI.

After a lengthy installation time, I finally was able to play this game. Since I was so new, I decided to go into the combat training and learn from an instructor. That's what it was there for, right?

Wrong. It was a "chill room", with nothing to do besides idiots smashing into eachother. Real good training right? (Once I broke level 10 in the game, I decided to train students myself like a real instructor; not like those fake ones.)

The gameplay mechanics could've been good, but you'll be hit in the head by many a bullet, making the game frustrating at times. However, it is satisfying when you take down 3 guys by yourself because of your insane box-run skills.

This brings me to the skills, which are incredibly diverse. You can decide to be a stealthy knifer-assassin, employing the CQC+ and Blades+ skills, or you can be a basic soldier, employing the Runner and Assault Rifle skills. These skills all take some time to level, but when they gets to their highest levels you'd be surprised at what they can do.

However, there are "skill-level up" rooms which can destroy the point of leveling up the skills fairly, instead using a system where one can shoot without being shot at to level their Monomania skill, or trade grabs to level CQC+.

Also hidden in the Survival mode are the lag-switchers, which can make the game almost unbearable to play. They will make your Kill-Death ratio go nuts at times, but thanks to the kicking option you can get rid of them before they lag the game out.

The bottom line is, if you're a beginner the game will be great for you. There is a decent community here on MGO, and it alone would justify buying MGS4. However, once you get to the higher levels you are held to higher standards, and more lagswitchers and headshots are present at those levels. This makes the game frustrating, but if you are winning you will be very happy.