The most perfect PSP game ever is also one of the greatest action adventures of all time.

User Rating: 10 | Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP
Kojima is God. That is a phrase from inside the game and it most definitely is right. Mr. Kojima makes some of the best games ever in a genre he practically invented. Stealth Action Adventure. All the Metal Gear Titles have been great games, but MGS4 was Snake's finest moment. How could a handheld title be just as great? Well pick it up, you'll see what I mean.
The Story takes place 10 years after MGS3 and Snake with his new friend Miller are creating an army without borders. One stormy night in Costa Rica, a professor of peace named Galvez asks Snake on the behalf of the entire country that he gets the CIA out of Costa Rica. I won't go much farther but the story gets intense and many unpredictable things happen. A wonderful story from beginning to end.
Controls are the best the PSP has to offer. It combines action adventure with third person shooter flawlessly. Stealth becomes very fun with this intuitive control scheme.
Gameplay is the name of the game, and stealth aspects make this original and fun. You are trying to reach one place to the other without being detected but they change it up in some areas of the game. There are many hiding spots but also places where there hardly are, so you will need a quick mind and finger when playing the game. This complex system really makes this game a fun challenge.
Graphics and music are amazing. You must play this with headphones. The best looking game on the PSP. Sometimes I forgot I was playing on a PSP while seeking through the beautifully crafted forests and other environments. It is PS2 quality. The voice acting is absolutely perfect. Every character is well thought out and interesting, not to mentioned acted to such a high degree.
If you have a PSP, get this game. It is lengthy, fun, interesting, and beautiful. It is one of the best games of the decade. You will not be disappointed with MGS Peace Walker!