Is Peace Walker the best in the series or will it return to boot camp ?

User Rating: 9.5 | Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker PSP
The game itself offers alot in the gameplay department and improved it from Portable Ops, especially the recruitment system. You can use Fulton Recovery to bring back knocked out soldiers, every soldier has abilities (RD , Medic, Combat, Mess Hall, Intel) for example soldier has high RD skill, place him in RD.
The most important update in gameplay is the Mother Base, where you can make weapons, select your soldiers, recruit soldiers, store supplies, and also Metal GEAR ZEKE. ZEKE is Snake's own AI weapon, what can be used in Outer Ops missions, if im incorrect, please comment. ZEKE can be updated via defeating other AI weapons like PUPA, Mammoth, Chrysalis. Mother Base also expands from time to time, giving more space for soldiers.

Missions divide into 3 classes: Main Ops, Extra Ops, Outer Ops.

Main Ops are story missions, what unlock new side missions and equipment blueprints. Extra Ops are side missions, that has lots of varierity like taking down Mechs (tanks, helicopters) they are stored in your Mother Base and can be used for Outer Ops. Extra Ops are good missions for Combat Unit soldiers, because it upgrades their experience and gives them better Health, Stamina and GMP.

Outer Ops are simulated missions, where player's biggest role is to make a proper unit and send them out to a mission. Finishing a Outer Ops mission might give you new recruits, weapon supplies and more. OO became a pain the ass, when I lost good soldiers, who had high experience.

New gameplay aspect is Heroism and Co-Op. Co-op gives you new options in missions, like finding higher view points. Each mission gives you Heroism, it is mostly earned by completing Insignias, they are like achievement points and there 84 total, I got only 8 so far. Good Heroism earns you good soldiers, i got 3 best volunteers with high RD skill.

Rest of the game is like playing a regular Metal Gear game, with only few addons, you can't crawl anymore, but you can move while crouching, giving a strong edge on the opponent. Once you unlock the Sneaking Suit, the game for me became a blast to play, I only used CQC then and Battle Suit is great for AI battles.
The game in my opinion got freakin EPIC, I was screaming while playing, Peace Walker final battle was so intense, I was near death, no stamina, screaming „Snake, get up" :D
The battle with HIND chopper and soldiers while Heavens Divide was playing, damn, how many good moments this game had. If I would talk all aspects of the gameplay, this review would be 10 pages long at least.

Is the story any good ?

Storyline in Peace Walker follows exactly from Portable Ops. Snake and Kaz Miller are opening up a Mercenary business and Prof. Galvez seeks their help. Suspuscious activity is in Costa Rica and Snake is ordered to investigate. Snake befriends lots of new characters like Guirella fighter Amanda, her brother Chico, Huey and my most favorite character of them all, Dr. Strangelove.

Story is told through the comic style cutscenes and be ready in some scenes too ;)
The story can be expanded by listening the Briefing Files, they replace Codec Calls and give a nice break from the main game. Dr Strangelove has a really nice voice, by the way.
Sound, Overall

All voice over is done very well, esp. David Hayter as Snake and Dr. Strangelove, with her Briefing Files you find out why she got the name. Peace Walker is moved by powerful soundtrack, especially Heavens Divide is on of the best soundtracks of a Metal Gear game.

In conclusion Peace Walker is a very good game for a PSP gamer or also get it for PS3, because this game is awesome, it starts of quite slow, but once you unlock features, the game becomes very good to play. It's the longest game in the series and offers tons of gameplay options.

All I can say is, Kojima's best.