Metro: Last Light is an Superb experience that other's games cannot reach.

User Rating: 9 | Metro: Last Light (Limited Edition) PC
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I really enjoyed Metro 2033, it surprised my expectation's in every level. I had the same effect playing Metro: Last Light, everything on this game actually works and the game itself doesn't try to be what it isn't, it has is own personality. Last Light is one of the best sequel's that came out this year, it truly deserve's the recognition it got for showing new aspects into the first person shooter genre... But now, let's start my review.


Metro: Last Light continues the story from Metro 2033, I can't tell to much about the story because I would spoil the first game and if you want the full experience of the franchise, you should play the first one before. Last Light story is violent and doesn't take steps back on showing darkness surrounding this crumbling and apocalyptic world, with an story filled with a lot of memorable moment's and cinematic's. You play as Artyom (the main character) and you must do an assignment before an big mistake happens and destroys the rest of the survivor's. Metro Last Light does have an great story but sometimes it feel's too slow but this is overshadowed by the Incredible atmosphere created that immerses the player into the world. You will feel the impact of your adventure in the world itself and sometimes you'll make choices without even realizing it. But the sometimes slow pacing is not the only thing affecting negatively the story... some character's don't have the deep characterization and personality that other's have.


- Great atmosphere;

- Incredible cinematic's;

- The story is great and thought provoking, without hiding anything.

- The game story does an great job immersing the player into the world;


- The story suffer's from some pacing problem's;

- Some character's don't have the characterization that they kinda deserve;


This is probably where Metro: Last Light show's it's strength's and personality. The gameplay is very immersive and solid, everything you do in this game does have an amazing impact and all the little thing's that the player do help's the overall experience. Putting on the gas mask, changing the filter's, exploring the level's for ammunition and using the environment for our advantage with various method's of interaction really show how much detail this game have. But sometimes all this exploration is troubled by some unnecessary scripted moment's, because the gameplay shines the most while exploring. But this is not an issue that breaks the experience, because there a lot of other's things that help the gameplay, the gun's feel responsive and fluid, the control's are also responsive and intuitive, helping the player in different scenarios. There are a lot of scares and mixed feeling's helping the experience to be more exciting and exhilarating.


- The gameplay feel's responsive and fluid;

- A lot of encounter's are exciting and exhilarating;

- A lot of gameplay element's help the player immersion;

- Wide variety of map's that make the player feel intrigued to explore and find important and necessary loot;


- Some scripted moment's take away the exploration;

Graphics and Sound Design:

One word, Amazing. Booth graphics and audio design are amazing and well developed. The 4A Engine is used in full effect and the result's are superb, everything is filled with some great and powerful detail and everything work's well because this game is well optimized for the Computer (PC). The Soundtrack is great and really sets it's own style and the Audio design is so good, it really put's fear and images in the mind of the player and everything in the game looks sounds real and authentic. But there are some problems in this section, sometimes the voice performances felt a bit cartoonist and this didn't help some characters.


- Amazing Graphics and Sound Design;

- The 4A Game Engine is well optimized for the Computer;

- The Soundtrack was good;


- Sometimes the Voice acting felt a bit cartoonist;

Metro: Last Light is truly an great game, it shows is own personality and never gives up on surprising the player. This game is an great experience for the First Person Shooter enthusiasts and if you liked Metro 2033, this sequel is an must have because it truly expands the world and improves every thing of it's predecessor.

Story: 9 out of 10

Gameplay: 9 out of 10

Graphics and Sound Design: 9 out of 10

Final Score: 9 out of 10