Sinks into it's own world.

User Rating: 5 | Metro: Last Light (Limited Edition) PC

The Positive:

Nice shooting for a FPS game.

Decent length.

The length of the game feels just right and the shooting of the game feels fun when you're in a shootout. The game was about 6 - 7 hours if you took your time to explore places. I'm also surprised there were no bugs in the game, there's usually bugs in today's game but this one was clean from them. They also did a great job in the atmosphere of the game, showing things such as the ghost of people still around after the nuclear war is a great way to show a post apocalyptic world.

The Negative:

Here we go!

The story itself is extremely mediocre and for a story based game you should at least provide an interesting story. What first turns out to be a hunt it then turns out to be a run away story filled with random events, escaping from a military facility would lead you to questions such as how did this happen ? how could the character be able to do this ? it doesn't help that it's all tied up by a clumsy "Peace Talk" between 2 forces that one of them was planing to attack the other and for some not obvious reason nobody saw a whole army coming to attack them.

Another thing is that there is a third faction, a Nazi faction that was just completely disregarded for the rest of the game as if they didn't even exist. It doesn't help also that the climax was very dumb, for an army to be defeated by such a silly trick in the book makes it seem extremely badly planned out and rushed. For the sake of not spoiling it i will not mention the cheap climax.

Stealth of the Game

Basically if there's no light you can't be seen even if you're standing right in front of the enemy, for some reason if there's no light in the game you're invisible.. unless the enemy has a flash light or head light they won't see you and you can easily pull off a stealth kill. Also enemies AI don't notice dead bodies in the floor most of the time, so if you Kill Enemy A while enemy B is turned around and then enemy B turns around he most likely won't notice his buddy enemy A is missing or dead on the floor.

( I mention stealth because there's a lot of stealth sections in the game, a good deal to cover most of the stages of the game. The stealth is optional however if it was implemented is something to take into consideration. )

Lack of Enemy variety

While it's nice that the game had a few bosses ( 4 ) the enemy variety was very dim. There was a flying gargoyle, one wall leech thing that shot shock-waves or something, multi colored dogs that attacked you and 2 types of water worms ( they called them shrimp in the game ) that attack you. Then there's the regular soldier with the assault riffle and shotgun. One with light armor another with medium and one with heavy armor. That's pretty much the whole outline of enemy in the game.

My verdict: Game was rushed

It feels like one of those movies where they randomly grab a book and make a movie out of it. While the whole scenario of the game is pretty great, the game itself falls off, I would only recommend it on a steam sale. The game also had no replay value, unless playing in a harder difficulty again is something you look forward to it's quite disappointing.