The game is good BUT!

User Rating: 7 | Middle-earth: Shadow of War PC

Obviously the game is pretty good! BUT is only about killing Orcs! and don't get me wrong, that's what it makes it fun! but once you are over that it turns into a repetitive mode which is not really fun after a few hours

The developers created a super cool game, the textures are awesome, but at the same time that's not a good thing when you focus only in the ORC FACES! WTF! is like every time you cross swords with an orc, you are about to kiss the thing!


If you have a thing for orcs, then this kind of game is a paradise, is full o orcs, rarely human allies that actually help you out. the orcs re spawn very fast xD there is no rest unless you hide

AT THE BEGINNING IS FUN but after is just like MEH!!

you will enjoy the story, and after you finish the story mode, the rest is only for achievement accomplishment.

Is a must play, but not a must have if you don't like Orcs!