A fun tribute to the 90's Mega Man games

User Rating: 7 | Mighty No. 9 PS4

I read all the reviews of people complaining about this game and giving it very low grades. I am here to tell you.. Mighty Number 9 is not that bad. It's a pretty good tribute to the classic Mega Man series and this game was made using fan donation money. The classic side scrolling action is back just like you would expect. They have added a few different techniques to keep it feeling fresh and the new power ups are pretty neat. The BOSS battles are pretty easy and unlike previous Mega Man games, if you continually die in this game they add a bunch of perks to help you win. So, even though there is no "easy" mode, just keep dying and keep trying and you will get to the end. I also like how they added right before the level the "advice" section which let's you know which power up the boss will be weak against. Not only will you know which power up to use, the robot you saved from previous levels will help you in the level that is his or her strong point. I think this game should get more credit than people are giving it. Mighty number 9 is fun, challenging and a tribute to the classic Mega Man games.