Variety, Variety, Variety!

User Rating: 8.5 | Minecraft (Classic) PC
If you have any sort of imagination, then you can make this game into what you want it to be. Whatever you can think up, you can probably do it. This is the game for the creative, for the imaginative, and for those who just like to have plain raw fun. The things that you can do are nearly limitless; make a sweet house, heck throw on an addition connected with a water slide. If you enjoy playing around with mods and such then this game probably has the most amount of mods out there. Although not the focus of the game, the multiplayer can be fun as hell too. Various games like Hunger Games and paintball provide hours of fun gameplay. One thing I always find myself doing is playing extensively for about a week or two, letting it go for a couple months and coming back when my brain has thought up many more things to do. But that is also one of this games downfalls. There is no definitive end goal, nothing that the game tells you is what you should be doing. If you are not the person to make your own fun then this game is not for you. If you can't think up more fun things to do after you've done most of the normal stuff then the game dies out for you. And if you don't enjoy monotonous collecting of materials then you may have issues with the games standard mode of survival. You constantly have to collect the materials needed to build things in the game. Also if you don't like modding, the game will eventually die out after you have done literally everything your mind can think up in regular vanilla mode. Overall I would have to say that this game has the potential to provide well over 50 hours of fun and variety packed gameplay.

++Nearly Limitless things to do
+Fun Multiplayer

-Need to make your own fun
-many hours of monotonous grinding for materials
-Depending on your level of involvement. Game can die quickly

-Derek Johnson