Great game, wish I had more time to spend playing it!

User Rating: 10 | Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition X360
This game will cause you to imerse yourself in the time-consuming world of blocks! You can change the world around you to fit your desires, however, unless you are out of school, dan't have to work because you're rich, and have noone but yourself to take care of, you wont have enough time to accomplish all your dreams in the game! Despite this, you can still complete small or medium sized projects with ease, especially when taking advantage of the "creative mode" option. I know that I have still had plenty of fun with this addictive and time consuming game, and I recomend it for the hard-core gamer to the girl who thinks gaming is a waste of time. Such a great game needs to be playedby everyone. Don't quote me on that one though, because sometimes it is a waste of time. The time you do spend playing is great though!