An extremely engrossing, satisfying experience in a world of gigantic weapons and gigantic monsters.

User Rating: 9 | Monster Hunter Tri WII
When I initially discovered this game in a Nintendo Power issue a while back, I was quite interested. I did some research, and was immediately hyped.

Days later, the game was released, but I didn't buy it until months later, because I'd forgotten about it!

In short, YES, it does live up to the hype!

This game is great for introducing people to the Monster hunter series, as it did for me! This is in my opinion the BEST Singleplayer wii game out there!

EDIT: Also, I bought a classic controller when I bought this game. You might want to do the same, I can't stand playing this with the wii remote and nunchuk's crappy motion controls.

*Beautiful visuals and environments
*Engrossing gameplay
*Fun online play
*Realistic, beautifully-designed wildlife and monster
*Hunting is extremely rewarding
*Camera is a killer when you're being pinned against a wall by a monster that just won't get out of your way
*"Grinding"--that is, killing large numbers of the same boss or monster for items or equipment pieces--can be extremely annoying and motivation-depriving

Not much to say here, the game isn't too deep story wise because it doesn't matter much. There's just a loose outline of a fishing village being attacked by a sea monster, halting fishing and trading, and you becoming a new hunter to take said beast on and other monsters.

The game's menus and overall theme take sort of a wooden/ancient theme. Not much to say here, really. No complaints. There's pretty cutscenes here and there in-game, and a beautiful opening video showing off some monsters when you start the game.

The visuals are extremely impressive for a Wii game. Note that I said "for a Wii game"-- there's always going to be blurry low-res textures and stuff on wii, and it is somewhat prevalent in MH3, but it's not a problem. The lighting and moonbeams and sunbeams are beautiful.

SOUND (10/10)
The game's soundtrack is just plain beautiful. The music consists of immense orchestral scores, not unlike something out of a blockbuster film. Capcom really put some effort into this. The boss themes are completely fitting and really get you excited and tense with blaring brass instruments and tone-setting strings.

As for sound effects, there's the usual sword slashes and all, but however there's also monster noises. Monsters, howl, call for other monsters, and of course, roar. The noises they make are very lifelike and imposing.

This is the core of my review.

I will warn you now, MH3 is not an easy game. This is no Super Mario Galaxy, this is one of those games where you can try really hard on a boss and give it your best, then feel like kicking your TV when he kicks your butt. But that feeling of taking down a boss monster after your 4th try is just immensely satisfying.

The game has a steep learning curve but you'll get used to it.

The first few bosses and quests are a walk into the park, but at level 3 quests it just grabs you by the nostrils and forces you to fight boss after boss and never really lets go, but it's not too bad.

The thing about Monster Hunter Tri is that there are VERY few guides for this game in English so you're all on your own.


At the beginning, you completely customize your character and there's really a lot of options here, except for clothing. You practically start off in your undies, but after a few quests you'll have enough money to buy your own armor and better weapons.

Weapons. You can choose from the following weapons; Sword and Shield, Great Sword, Hammer, Switchaxe, Long Sword, Lance, and Bowgun.

It's all about preference. If you prefer quicker swipes and more defense, try the Sword and Shield, but if you're for pure offense, go with the giant hammers!

As for armor, and weapons too, everything in the game except for a few starter items are basically crafted and forged by the remains of the huge monsters you will kill.

And killing said monsters is extremely satisfying.

Monsters and bosses are extremely lifelike and bleed, limp, drool, howl, and scream as if they were real.

The engrossing bosses are just one of the reasons why this game rules so much. You'll take on gigantic dinosaurs, winged beasts, and even giant fish. Monster Hunter tri introduces brand new underwater battles to the series!

I will not lie or sugar you up--the bosses are hard, extremely hard, and you constantly have to worry about the time limits. Although for the first few bosses the time limit isn't an issue, it is later. You have to be efficient and worry about how much time you spend looking for the monster after it runs away to another area.

Killing a boss is extremely rewarding. You just get a great feeling when that gigantic dino falls down and moans, and it feels more like a result of your skills and planning rather than an eventuality! After it's life fades away, walk up to it and take it's hides and bones, then maybe craft that new sword you were looking to make.

Everything in this game is real-time. Time doesn't freeze or stop when you open up your menu or drink a potion or sharpen your blade, so watch yourself.

The game is all about you--your planning, your skills, the way you play determines how well you will do in the world of Monster Hunter. This game is not a piece of cheesecake. There will be moments when you feel like crying or hurting someone, but there will be plenty of moments where you feel relief and jump in joy.

There's also WONDERFUL multiplayer. No stupid friend codes, just go online and you're in a nice mmo-like city. There's WiiSpeak support. There's also lots of online-exclusive bosses. Can't say much though because I don't play it that much but I always hear good things about it.

Monster Hunter Tri is a MUST-BUY for all Wii owners who'd love a new hardcore experience, even if you normally never touch your Wii like I do. I hadn't touched my wii in months, then I bought this game. Now I'm playing it daily.

Monster Hunter Tri is the best game in this series, and is an immense world of wonderful orchestras, fabulous beasts, gigantic swords, and rewarding experiences.

Buy it, and a Classic Controller with it. I can't stress how important the controller is.