True to Gameboy Advance version and fun to jump into if you're new to the series

User Rating: 8.5 | Monster Farm DS 2: Yomigaeru! Master Breeder Densetsu DS
If you're a fan of the series then you will be fascinated by the DS version. There are so many different kinds of monsters to discover that just using incantations (speaking into the mic) or drawing pictures you can spend hours discovering. Once you bring a monster to the ranch it's the usual addicting training, feeding, scolding and praising that is so common in the series.
Beating battle after battle gives you a tremendous feelings of achievement and gaining money and items while increasing your rank from E to A is a great reason to come back for more addicting gameplay.
For fans I would definitely recommend picking this familiar but endearing revamp to the series and for those of you who have never picked it up before it's worth a shot if you are interested in breeding and training monsters and watching yours grow into the #1 champion while you become the #1 monster breeder in the world. Sound appealing?
Go out there and get it.