MK3 has a serious problem but it can't stop the game from being great!

User Rating: 8 | Mortal Kombat 3 SNES
personally,i think it's the best in series along with MK2 obviously.the main problem is that you can't win 2 battles in a row.after you win the first battle,the next one becomes impossible.& it's on very easy mode.the difficulty of this game is the same at all 5 levels:very easy,easy,medium,hard & very choose to play on very easy,it's very hard choose to play on medium,it's very want on very hard,well,it's very hard.ok i admitt,there's just a slight difference but wth?i win a battle & it's very i have 01 at the next battle,with next fighter,he just won't even let me breath!he obliterates me.i loose & then continue,i kick his ass!it's absurd!what?they didn't the game well before they launched it?jesus christ!i'm not an expert,i'm just an average motaro for example,i can win only by the logic of hit & run.that's all i do when i fight motaro-hit & run-very lame.if i don't run,he will smash me 'till i shao kahn it's even 80% of the casses you loose the first round against round 2,he begins to hit you & after that he kick him & he begins to laugh or to say:''-you suck!":))) & so i beat him-_-
it sounds like a poor game but it's really great.
it's the best of digitised actors-they look so real,& it's just 1995!that's amazing.this mortal kombat series also as the best story from all the fighting,emperor shao kahn,being frustrated after countlles attempts to conquer earth in mk,enacts a plan...he resurects syndel,kitana's mother &'s very interesting.from the begining you are welcomed with philosophic line a-la bruce lee:there is no knoledge.that is not power.this makes you think...& say:hey,i like that!
people are dissapointed because sub-zero is unmasked,scorpion is gone,johnny cage dead(yeah,in the movie),no rayden...personally,i don;t give a damn about scorpion.if i have liu kang,i don't care about the others.he's the reincarnation of bruce lee & his face looks like bolo yeung's face!it's so awesome.there are 14 characters+1 unlockable-smoke.i don't know how to unlock him,i finished the game thousands of times & nothing.oh,you can win 2 matches in a row in 2 ways:1-you are an expert player,a champion or 2-you just repeat a single move all the time & block yourself.this is very this way,why would you even play it?i used this 2nd way.i like wasting my time with mk3:)
the new characters are:kabal,sheeva(looks like gorros wife:)),striker,cyrax,sektor,smoke,nightwolf,
cyrax,sektor & smoke are cyborgs,from the lin kuei.they are former ninja now sent to exterminate sub-zero which was also from the lin kuei but betrayed them.i hilarious thought:in this game,sub-zero looks like david hasselhof.i think it's his digitised face:)
the music is addictive,you can't stop hearing it-it makes the game solid.the best music is at the character select screen & at the batttle plan,the towers mastered by motaro & shao kahn,the emperor of the outworld.
the gameplay is similar with have various moves,tricks to execute.sektor is full of gadgets,he's a solid fighter.he has a bionic arm,fires missiles,he teleports,fires homing missiles...he's great.but what can you do when shao kahn rushes into you & obliterates you with the axe?wait untill he begins to laugh & say that you suck:) so not even sektor can normally beat him,not even the mitic liu kang.(man i'm repeating things,i swear i'm not tryin to fool gamespot,i'm just a noob at reviews).
this game spawned the movies which are great,not bad like the people are sayin.& the song...the mk theme from the!best electro song ever!very addictive.
at the battleplan,you are requested to choose you destiny:novice(8 fighters to encounter),warrior(10) & master(12).obviously i always pick the novice level.
this mk phenomenon will live will never,even with all it's flaws & frustrating moments.