This game is buggy and slow, A waste of time

User Rating: 1.4 | Mortal Kombat: Special Forces PS
I have played that game for alteast 30minutes and i thourght ''nope this isn't worth it''. But i decieded to give it a shot so i played for like an hour or two. It's not all what it's cracked up to be. I know people would love to play a MK game sort of like that ( heck i would ). But seriously it's buggy, to dark to actually see anything ect. The graphics are bad for 2000, The characters resemble to the shape of a block. The movement in the game is realy buggy. I'm sure they will get around to making a MK game like this only better sooner or later. Word of advice don't buy this game unless your some sort of MK comlector.