A fighting game you can really get into with a strange new concept

User Rating: 7.5 | Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe PS3
I bought this game second hand after waiting for it to go down in price. I've loved the Mortal Kombat series to date but was a bit apprehensive about this one as I couldn't predict how the new Marvel characters would blend with it. It turns out I was pleasantly surprised and the blend of two different universes worked well.
This was partially down to the clever storyline which is used and also to the universal Mortal Kombat game style which works for all characters.
The storyline on this is pretty awesome. Without giving anything away, you choose a side to play as and fight as many of the characters from this clan. The story progresses as you play through and it ties together very well. Both of the sides share similarities in the stories but players are rewarded with two slightly different plots with each clan. The story doesn't actually take that long to do, I did both the first day I had it but it took me a good 6 hours. Spoiler- After completing the story you unlock a character, Shao Kahn after beating it with MK and Darkseid after beating it with DC. For me this was good as I find unlocks engrossing and an ingredient for a good game.
One of my critisisms for this game is the lack of characters. There are i think 22 in total, a good number, however i feel that more could have been included as Marvel have got hundreds of heros and villains as well as Mortal Kombat Armageddon setting the precident on character choice for the next in the series. Also the Boss, Dark Kahn cannot be unlocked which I find a bit of a no-brainer.
Another small criticism is that being a 15 instead of 18, the blood is severly limited and the fatalities by the characters lack that mortal combat brutality that has made the series so unique.
My last negative point is the trophies. I personally like the acheivements on PS3 however for this game I find them frustrating as most are for completing combat challenges which are annoying to say the least. Also you have to complete arcade with all characters which would probably get slightly boring in the end even though they all have individual stories.
Anyway, good points are that there are many different moves for each character and these are also relevant to the person, ie Supermans lazer sight, the Jokers practical jokes or Sub Zero's freeze slide. These moves are made better by the flawless graphics which do not go to waste.
The game also adds new modes such as freefall kombat, klose kombat and test your might. I find these slightly hit and miss, the freefall being visually pleasing and good for mixing fights up, making them more fun. Personally I did not like the close up kombat as its nothing special and does not do a great deal of damage, as well as being easily blocked before even getting under way.
The new arenas are also a nice new touch as some merge earth with the Mortal Kombat world, others remaster the Mortal Kombat classic arenas and some introduce new arenas such as the streets of Gotham. Most of these arenas are also interactive, incorporating the mini-games mentioned earlier.
A small extra which is also good is the biography section of the players, which allows you to examine them in detail as well as reading up on their background. This is an advantage if you are a fan of MK but not of DC or vice versa as you can understand the storyline better.
So I find this game to be a good spin off to the Mortal Kombat series, with a strong storyline, inventive characters, new game modes and with few negative points, this is a good addition to any fighting gamer's collection which is fun, fair and addictive.