mk is back but with no gore weird let see is this is a great game or maby a bad game let find out finish him Fatality

User Rating: 7.5 | Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe PS3
mk vs dc is a great game but have many bad thing
the god

mk and dc have a great combinaciona goofy story but coolyou can play with sub zero,scorpion,raiden,batman,joker and deathstrokefreefall and close combat is awesome good voice acting, Arcade ending are good

the bad
combo challege is so hard and boringneed more characters like reptile,ermac,kabal,mileena,robin,aquamen and scarecrow, no gore
not sou many arenastory is short

mortal kombat vs dc universe is a great game but you fell like is a Download Game with little bit characters no gore but you will have many fun in this game with sub zero and scorpion

if you have ps3 you can custom song in this game, fatality and heroic brutality are cool but no gore, weird that Quan Chi is in this game but not playable now to wait for mortal kombat 9 if you want to play it try renting it first.