Motorstorm doesn't offer much, but what it does offer is loud and ferocious, and highly addictive.

User Rating: 8 | MotorStorm PS3
Motorstorm is an off-road racer for the PS3, and at the PS3's release it was highly anticipated for showing off the systems graphic capabilitys. So was it successful in doing that, yes it was.

The premise of the game is simple, Motorstorm is an annual event that takes place in Monument Valley, where all forms of off road vehicles from Motorbikes, ATV's, Buggies, Rally Cars, Racing Trucks, Mud pluggers, and even Big Rigs, race under tight and chaotic odds. Surely it would be a tragedy if these all raced at the same time, and in the end, it is.

Motorstorm offers one of the most fast-paced, competitive racing lap you ever take. The controls while racing is simple, you Accelerate with R2, Brake with L2, as you have boost mechanic, to keep you at par with other racers. While racing, you must never take your eyes off the road. The tracks are filled with mud pits, cliffs, random rocks jutting out of the ground, and other racers crashing around you. Opportunities for you to crash into rock are everywhere, but if you think racing here is impossible, there is still plenty of hope for you. The game utilizes a system of paths into each track for your selected vehicle to travel on, where bikes will want to keep it onto the higher cliff areas, while big rigs will want to plow right into the mud below ground. It is important to always keep your eyes open for these paths to take, or else you will be trailing in 12th place the whole way.

If you think this all sounds fun, then you have the right idea. but dont think this fun will last long. Sadly to say, the game has a lack of content to race in. The single player mode is comprised of of tickets for you to race in, but these events limit you to certain vehicle classes, limiting the way you play. You can still unlock new vehicles and skins though each time you complete a ticket, giving you some good reason to keep playing. Other than that, the only other mode is the online component. which is as much fun as it should be. Up to twelve players face off in various tracks, with no restrictions on which vehicle to use. It is easily the best part of motorstorm, but by the time i am writing this, the multiplayer has become quite dormant.

Other than that, there is not much to do. There is no offline multpllayer, and no trophies to obtain. On the other hand, an additional mode known as Time Attack can be downloaded free of charge from the playstation network. You can set times in all of the games tracks, and submit them to online leaderboards. This mode is something that Motorstorm really should of started out with in the first place. On top of that, various other add on content can be obtained for a charge online as well, if you're up for it.

So if you have a taste for some awsome off road racing, Motor storm is up your ally (especially givin its $10 price tag I bought it at.) But I actually recommend its sequel much more, Motorstorm : Pacific Rift, which does have Offline multiplayer. But no matter how good its sequel is, it could never exist with out Motorstorm, the true off road racer!
