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User Rating: 9 | Mount & Blade: Warband PC

For sandbox players this is like gift from heaven. Realistic medieval seting with no fantasy/mana/magic crap. I just stumbled on this and decided to give it a try - I found myself after 10 hours realizing that I need to drink & eat something and my eyes are red from not blinking... I revisit this game again and again after some time. If you like RPG, strategy games or realistic action get it for sure! This game blends every aspect superbly. And it is only few bucks! Only minus is low "production values", how they call it today. Game looks like it is 10 years old, graphically the game is not ugly, it is jut functional. Don´t expect anything fancy. For me this is non issue, game looks good enough (and it is like 700 MB on your hard drive). Also, voice acting is non existent :) Nevertheless, the core gameply is superb! And that is what matters, isn´t it?