Should have been called "Mount and Bland" for single player gamers. Multiplayer may be better but so shallow.

User Rating: 3.5 | Mount & Blade: Warband PC
(added 10/2012)rnI just replayed this game for a lark...and re-read this...and noticed the slim number of people that "agree" with my review. Good lord fan-boys listen up! I really I am glad you guys enjoy it online mulitplayer.. BUT, you should learn to READ what people wrote! WHERE is the depth? WHERE is the single player game!?!? Hmmm...nothing to say now? This game is a 1 for single player by today's standards. I gave it a 3.5 several years ago based only on potental for multiplayer. I stand by my original review below:

Yes, the ponies are very nice and the graphics are passable if you max them out (barely passable, don't expect too much or you WILL be disapointed) and yes the game is "free roam", beyond that there is nothing good to say about the single player game at all.rnrnThen considering this game has *absolutely no depth of play* and honestly no personality either I really don't think "free roam" is much of an accomplishment.rnrnAlso consider that the inventory management system is strait from the 1980s and quests that are so repetitive as to be ridiculous and that there is zero voice acting in this game (yes it is 100% text interaction as in RPGs from the '80s) this game was a massive disappointed for this single player RPG gamer.rnrnTack on a totally non-existent manual (pure "steam", as in nothing but hot air!) and what you can find in the tutorial/dialog is so weak. And for God's sake people I don't care where you get your code hacks from but PLEASE find someone that is a native English speaker/writer next time for the pdf manual/tutorials and dialogs! There is no excuse for the bad grammer and weak dialog, esp. when it is just text! That is just plain pitiful production values.rnrnThis game is a waste unless you must absolutely have every RPG out there, then have at it, but don't expect to be playing this more than a week at most unless you just don't have a life.rnrnOh, I stand corrected if you play multiplayer on line and want to mix it up with friends on horse back this could be a fun game. But as I don't it was a total waste. I will let the other fanboys that rate this thing at a 9 or 10 rant about that...rnrnMaybe, with a bit of luck, someone will spot the potential with the ponies, free roam and combat system and couple it with the other elements that make a REAL role-playing game for the rest of us RPG players.