Solid game that really gets bogged down by certain limitations. Mods really help.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mount & Blade: Warband PC
This game was a bit of a revelation for me as a gamer. It had all the things I enjoy - economy planning, character customization, leveling, squad control, and very immersive hand - to - hand combat. The combat is absolutely the best I've ever experienced, and has ruined Skyrim for me: nothing beats a well timed, properly placed block followed by a perfectly aimed side slash to defeat a powerful enemy. The amount of customization and decision making is fantastic.

Where the game goes off the rails is in the somewhat repetitive combat structure....for example, all enemies charge you blindly and make little use of tactics. Your troops also gain very little bonus in battle from smart tactics by yourself, the general. Also, your character can ride around defeating hordes once levelled up with very little risk of death.

With that being said, the game is extremely addictive. I am excited to see the next generation of these types of games. Better engines and smarter AI would really make this game legendary in the ActionRPG and strategy crowds, I believe.