Ms. Pac-man is a great revolutionary sequel to Pac-man, and this has even better game-play then before.

User Rating: 10 | Ms. Pac-Man ARC
Ms. Pac-man, the girlfriend of Pac-man, debuted in 1981 in her own game, Ms. Pac-man. Ms. Pac-man is a great revolutionary sequel to Pac-man, and this has even better game-play then before. Overall, best game of 1981.

Game-play: 10/10

The game-play is so extrodinary. It's exactly like Pac-man, but even better. The difficulty is smooth enough for you to beat the game.

Graphics: 10/10

Same thing as Pac-man's, except with a bow and lip (ironically, Pac-man makes a cameo in here). The graphics are amazingly beautiful, in that they fail to dissapoint eager arcade fans.

Sound: 10/10

The sound might be just as good as Pac-man's, maybe better.

Camera and control: 10/10

The control, with no doubt, holds up nicely, and is a fine competittor to pac-man's control.

Value: 10/10

Ms. pac-man is obviously worth your money, so go play it.

Average score: 10/10

Ms. Pac-man is even better then Pac-man. It's better then even Pac-man could ever get to. Great game, and a masterpiece for the ages.