I am a Naruto hardcore fan, but even I can tell this game is not THAT good...

User Rating: 6.5 | Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 2 X360
Well, let´s start:

Story line: Superb, the dramatic touch that the game delivers is fantastic, but unfortunately the story line is from the anime, it is not something original, but the transition from the anime to the game was well accomplished.

Graphics: Top quality, fantastic cell shaded graphics that captures the essence of the anime, it s really exciting to see the jutsus in action, you really enjoy them.

Gameplay: Okay, this is the wickest part of the game...is not that this area its wrong, its just that it lacks depth, BIG TIME. Combat is so stupid, anyone can win. This is a game where practice doesn t change your chances of winning - Yes I know, its pathetic. On the other hand, scenes with button mashing parts are GREAT, really fun.

Sound: I watch the anime in japanese and subbed, so the english voices where new to me,but i liked them. Sound effects are good and the music is good also, i didn´t pay too much attention to that aspect though.

Summing up, this is a game with good story, bad side quests and stupid things, a lot of running that seems more like walking and a horrible Versus mode, you don t need skill to win, it is just dull. Some parts of the game are enjoyable, others not so much. This game is only for naruto fans.