it was terrible it had so much potential but completely disappointed me.

User Rating: 5 | Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 2 PS3
After playing the first naruto ultimate ninja storm instalment i thought this game could only progress. the graphics and scenery were good and the amount of characters were also a bonus. I believe the entire game was let down simply by the fighting system. the biggest problem was the amount of health bars had reduced for what reason and when the character had transformed they were not able to preform or fall prey to a ultimate technique. why? and there were more bugs in the fighting system than there were in the first one. the charaters themselves were poor examples of what they could of been an example would be itachi. the way he fought his basic moves were rubbish compared to the first version of him. a way to improve on this game would be so simple improve the health bar system alow characters to use a greater variaty of moves as a set up and also in battle.if they applied he same principle to the super moves there would be much more depth in the battles. i hope the next game is nothing like the second one it would be a terrible waste of time.