This review is based on the my player mode because that's why I bought the game and that's the only thing I've played.

User Rating: 8.5 | NBA 2K10 PC
My player mode is all about leveling up your character. And after that it's all about dominating the league in every single game throughout your long career. If basketball would run through my veins that would be enough. But it gets exhausting because there's so many somewhat meaningless regular season matches that you can't skip unless you foul five times during a game and get no court time after that - then you can simulate. Funny that fouling out only happens to my character and opponents can get seven or eight fouls and still be on the court.

Since the my player mode is all about stats it is weird that there's no career playoff stats anywhere. Only the current season playoff stats.

It also feels a bit silly that if you defend really well and have a blow-out in the making the coach will bench you. But if you defend poorly in order to keep the game close you get more time on the floor. Regardless your fatigue level.

Despite of all this bashing I enjoyed playing this game. It's fun and infuriating at the same time. And in my experience this is the case in all of the 2k sports games I have played (two of them) - it's fun to play but it's buggy as hell.

I don't follow the NBA very vigorously so I don't know if the moves that some of the AI players have are accurate but I soon learned not to pass the ball to a player who constantly runs out of bounds with it.

The game looks good although it requires quite a lot from the hardware but it still looks good with lower settings. Sounds are good and the commentary - in my experience with sports games - is pretty good. Controls are responsive with the pad. Maybe some superhuman can play this with a keyboard - I can't.

I've spent countless of hours playing this game. That's not bad from a sports game that I just bought to fill my yearning for a decent hockey game with a my player mode for the pc (hint hint 2K Sports).