I dont know wheter to be glad or mad at this review....

User Rating: 7 | NCAA Football 11 PS3
This game was suppose to be amazing.... or so it was intended to be, but I guess in the end, all of the NCAA games are over-hyped. Well, this year, the tweaks and twists they were suppose to add, had little modification to expireneced college football fans, and have given more to new players. So, if your a new person on the block, and have no idea or little idea of what NCAA is, then buy this game, but for real players, might as well just stick with your '10 edition and wait till next year and hope for the best. The only thing I like about this year is my favorite team is recgonized as a top 10. So I guess that's good, but if you find no taste in re-run games, dont buy this one.

I bought it when it first came out, I was one of those people waiting overnight and I wanted to give a fair shot of it, before I gave this review, so now im finally deciding to do just that. And I can honestly say it had me dissapointed in my perspective, and this review was on my old expireneces and perspectives it would be below a 4. But they add so much more to new players I cant rate it that low. And im usually strict about it being like that.

As I explained before, they added a couple of new tweaks, like the more indepth Dynasty, which honestly made no difference except you can modify your people more on the PC instead of your PS3, which honestly didn't make much of sense.

Well, in my conclusion, get it if your new, you expireneced, dont both.