Badly optimized console port and Ferrari cars are still missing, conclusion - average game.

User Rating: 6 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit PC
I love the concept of this game. It's really close to NFS3 and NFS4 (which is the best in the series) too bad it has 2 game breaking flaws.
First one, game is very poorly optimized. Its laggy even on the decent rigs that meet recommended requirements. There's also no Anti-Aliasing so game looks bad even on full hd monitors. On top of that there are very few options in the settings menu so you can't tweak it properly. It becomes obvious that they've spent zero effort trying to port this game from consoles to PC.
And the second flaw. Where are Ferrari cars? I love this brand, all their cars are amazing still they are missing here... Why so? It's been for years now. EA has money why can't they get a license? I'm very disappointed because of this.

What do I like about this game? It's all about racing, pure fun of it. No lame stories, no useless tuning, you just get in there and drive like a mad man! So yeah 10/10 for the fun factor.

Overall its not a bad game, still not as good as NFS3 and especially NFS4 High Stakes.