Nice graphic, repetitive gameplay/grinding, not perfected yet.

User Rating: 8 | Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit PC
[1] Graphic (9/10)
I don't have to mention it again, right? The framerate is very smooth running at 60 FPS like Burnout. It is seldom to get lag. Salutation to Criterion that use the new engine, Chameleon. Everything is beautifully rendered, from environments to cars.

[2] Sound and Music (7.5/10)
Car sounds very engaging for a arcade racer game. You can hear burst sound from the car engine, powerslides sound very clearly. But the music seems "meh" and nearly not interesting at all. But it is not too important for this game.

[3] Gameplay and Features (8.5/10)
I have anticipated for this Need for Speed, Criterion will do something strange. And I was right. The handling of each car is very arcadish. You can't make a turn before using e-brake first. Sounds fun, but I disliked it. Why? Because Criterion attempt to make a 'remake' of a classic Need for Speed. The classics don't have their car turn left and right using e-brake. Second, every classic Need for Speed (from TNFS to NFS5 excluding NFSHP2) have in-car view. Maybe for Criterion it is not too important with their many excuses. And they were wrong. Why again? Because [1] it attempts to be classic, [2] nowadays the majority car game in the store have it, [3] it makes the game more immersive. I think it will be no much problem since I have used the camera hack and seen the real interior which is interesting (and will be more interesting if the dials is working like in SHIFT).

Ok, now about Seacrest County. It is perfect world for NFS, and it is big. No problem. Fusion between different environments handled beautifully by Criterion. Addition of 'Free Drive' option also a neat option, giving transition from linear to free-roam gaming in the game.

About the cars...they have about 60. I like the choice, but the exclusion of other manufacturers, including Ferrari, is a bit annoying since TDU2 have it.

In short, this is a very linear game and the modes are not too innovative, based many on sprints, time trials, and hot pursuits, but the race itself that giving you challenge. The AI is very good, it is balanced like Criterion usually do. If you want expect many challenges, this will satisfies you.

For Autolog I don't reviewed it because I'm single player gamer. I haven't contributed in online gaming (yet) because my internet is too slow to support my games.

[4] Lasting Appeal (7/10)
I completed this game around 9 hours (racer only) and get the 15th level (of max 20). I think the replay value is almost little, because after many challenging races, you feel exhausted, right? Why play it again? But, this is only my preference, different people have different sight.

Final score : 8/10 (overall)
Worth playing (or rent). Check it by yourself to get better view.