My impression of this game: "Let's feel the 'feel' of intensely speeding.'

User Rating: 8.5 | Need for Speed: Shift PC
For me, the 'look' of this game reminding me of classic NFS. That's why I called it an 'Instant Classic' - you get first-person view, some realistic controlling.

I have 4 aspects to review in this game : Graphics, Sound & Music, Gameplay & Features, and the last, Lasting Appeal.

[1] Graphics
So it's clear to a simulation game is to give you something that 'life-like' - is something that looks life and real. Shift has fulfilled this, that's good, but not great either. This game looks great in mid-resolution (from 1024x768 to 1280x800), but if you see clearly, in higher resolution, the color seems out to be broken. But the opposite is in the in-car view, the dashboard looks very realistic and it's feel just right. The motion-blur effect that given is dynamic too, but seems to interrupt you when you are speeding, because the blur make something like 'fog-effect' (something we don't see like in Burnout Paradise' blur effect). This is annoying, but we can turn off this. The other graphic effect is nice, but once again, is not the greatest of all. But if we connect this to Shift branding to give you 'True Driver Experience', I give it 10/10. But I compared this to another sim game, not just that brand.

[2] Sound & Music
I agree with Gamespot on this. Great sound effects. Every sound effects in this game feel realistic. I don't give my opinion on the music since in the race you can't hear a single music.

[3] Gameplay & Features
First, is Shift fulfill the requirement of being a sim? Even 'Need for Speed' title have arcade-aspect? Or it will FAIL like in ProStreet?

I will remind you that this game is not developed by EA Black Box. It is developed by Slightly Mad Studios, guys behind GTR & GTR2 game engine. It shares some with SimBin engine, but it is not closing the chance for them to make this an arcade game.

First, you get in the game, you get BIG main menu. Not bad, but not great either, because it seems just not right. Now we get ahead for 'START' option and see a nice video, then loading screen. The loading screen is just not right too. You have to wait about 30-40 seconds to just load a track, Laguna Seca, to begin the "Trial of Fire". (check Gamespot review on this info).

Then skips all that is not important, and we got in the track. We get face-to-face with the AI. Because rubberband AI is gone, now we have aggressive AI. Yes. It is REALLY aggressive. This AI is not bothering you to give you some spin and collide you to get out on the track. Again, connect this to driver experience. Imagine you are in a car. You're speeding with other guy in the track. The other guy is not just letting you go and get the first place; there is must be something they will do to get the first place and blocking you to get that place. Intense feeling you get. This is innovative, but for some people that just want 'easy drive', sure this thing will makes you stressful. That's why on the first you given 'Trial of Fire', to get the recommendation on the AI.

Then after race, you given point on Aggression on Precision. Every point in this aspect have its own reward, beside objective on the track (clean race/lap & perfect corner). Still, the problem is on the AI that really aggressive, so get points in Precision is a little hard to do, but after several hours playing, you will get the feeling.

And then the customization, it just feel right and not bothering you.

[4] Lasting Appeal
It becomes a little repetitive after level 20. But if you like ProStreet, or something serious like GRID, you will like this.

Rating :

Gameplay & Features :(Good) 8 of 10
It feels right. You have full damage support, innovative gameplay even the AI is stubborn, and some nice real tracks.

Graphic : (Good) 8 of 10
Same with gameplay. It becomes ProStreet 2 for next-gen console and PC.

Sound & Music : (Very good) 9 of 10
It really precise. No another comment for this.

Lasting Appeal : (Level 1) 7,5 of 10
Total Score : (Level 2) 8,5 of 10 (not overall)

Final Words
If you want to get real and true 'race driver experience', check out this game. But once again, if compared to sim game, this is not a sim game because you have modification aspect (adding parts like adding nitrous; something you can't really count it real precisely) in this game. Overall, for a racing game, this is a good game. I will not recommend to all, but again if you enjoyed GRID, you will enjoyed this too.

To play this game, it is doesn't matter with controller or with wheel even with keyboard. Because at the first, you get Trial of Fire and you can customize the control you want. You want easy drive on keyboard, you get it. You want some real driving using wheel, you get it.