This is an awesome game. It really challenging and fun.

User Rating: 8 | Need for Speed: Shift X360
Although a little tough to get a handle of, this game had great work put into it. It has almost no glitches, and is very fun. The main good thing to this game is the customization of the cars, it has a variety from attaching nitro to your car to upgrading the cars stats(ie. Speed). You can also design your car with different paint jobs and stickers/paintings. Another good thing is the multiplayer where players can face each other in a ranked race or regular race. You can also just play a exhibition against NPC's. It will keep track of your wins, losses, and ties along with your racing stats, which are either agressive style driving or precision style driving. The career mode is also a great part of the game, it is seperated into 5 'levels' where you will be racing to get into the final stage, a tournament. The first four stages are called tiers. As you advance in each tier you will be facing better and more upgraded cars, you will unlock better cars every tier as well. The ony rule to each race is that you cannot cut corners, you have to keep on the track. Taking shortcuts off of the road will result in getting 3 penalties, which on the third you will be kicked out of the race.

All in all this was a very good game. Worth playing for sure.