All together a great game. Not at all like anything you would have played before

User Rating: 8 | NIER X360
If your looking for something different then look no further. This game is a complete mash up of many different genres and for the most part it works. I played the game on normal and i found that there was some challenge at some stages of the game. It has to be said though it is slow paced at the start. If you can get through the first hour or so then you will come to fall in love with the charm of this game. What Gamespot said about being unable to relate to the main protagonist is not true for me. Everything that my character was put through i felt for. The game does a great job of making you feel like you matter to the other npcs such as your daughter Yonah, and your companions. I felt that after a fair bit of searching around reviews have been fairly harsh and in almost all cases user reviews have been much higher than that given by the companys themself and lets be fair thats who the game was made for! I couldnt help but think that if a game like this had a bigger budget it could have been much more than it is. The side quest system is where this game falls flat for me. Lots of fetch quests, and lots of backtracking but these are by no means necessary. Search hard enough and you will find a number of great quests amongst them.
Graphics: This is probably one of the main problems with the game, at times it is sheer ugly. But it is bearable and i promise you, once you invest in the story you will not care
Sound: Some of the best game music you will find. The classical score mixed with haunting melodies, Brilliant vocals, and rising drum beats help to create a great atmosphere no matter what your doing.
Story: Again fantastic. One of the most shocking i have played and to top it off has a fair amount of replay value and thats a great thing for a game like this.
Combat: Fairly repetitive but coupled with a great sense of satisfaction. Every time you splatter an enemy all over the floor you cannot help but smile.

Overall, I would say this is a pretty great game excelling at creating an amazing story with tense dramatic music and creating characters you will learn to care for. Not the best looking game at all but an overall truly interesting experience.