A game for any looter shooter fan.

User Rating: 8 | Outriders XBSX

I played Outriders on my Xbox Series S console and I can say it ran smoothly and flawlessly. I played only the single player campaign and I must say I was sucked in by the story. The game is a looter shooter with some story wrapped up and that made me carry on with the game. When playing single player, the game proved to be really difficult and sometimes I had to lower difficulty, because I couldn't defeat a boss or a certain horde. You gave 4 classes to choose from. I chose the pyromancer. You do a lot of fire damage. The enemies are tough, too. They have special power that they use on the battlefield. I won't spoil the story but I really liked it. As I have mentioned there are some really difficult boss battles and playing alone is sometimes a nuisance. The loot and the guns are diverse, but on my play through I only got two or three legendary items. If you like third-person looter shooters this one is for you.