A real innovative step for the Pokemon company

User Rating: 8 | Pokemon Legends: Arceus NS

Pokemon Legends: Arceus is the Pokemon game we have all been waiting for. The fans took this as an open world Pokemon game and in most ways it is. The game is cut up into 5 areas to explore with a town that serves the majority of your questing needs. Once you get into a few hours of the game, things open up more and allow you to explore without the game holding your hand. As you progress, more options for navigating the world become available which allows you to go back to areas that weren't accessible previously.

While this game isn't perfect, this is definitely an amazing and innovative step forward for the Pokemon franchise as a whole

Story: 8/10

This feels very like a standard Pokemon script but without things like gyms and the elite four, which gives it more of a sense a mystery which is very welcoming. The story actually does have some exciting and intense moments which leave you surprised. That being said, it isn’t the best writing ever but it is by no means the worst.

Score: 7/10

The music doesn't really stand out in anyway but it does fit each of the games settings.

Characters/Character Development: 7/10

The characters in this world are fun and fit well into this world. Sometimes many of the characters can feel a bit stupid especially when it comes to the conflict of your character being from another world. I personally just took the characters for what they were and nothing about them truly bothered me too much. You may like some, you may hate some.

Graphics: 7/10

The graphics in this game do feel a bit lackluster especially when compared to other open world games that come out nowadays. However, nothing looks bad, just simple.

Gameplay: 8/10

There is a simple joy that comes from just exploring this world and catching pokemon. Seeing a pokemon you want to catch is very exciting and if you see enough, not completing a quest and just running around provides it own source of entertainment.

That being said there are parts of the game like the beginning of the story that feel very slow and tedious. The beginning of the game is particularly grueling as it seems to stop you constantly to explain to you a simple mechanic when all you really want to do is to get out and start exploring.

Difficulty: 6.5/10 (0 being the easiest, 10 being the hardest)

This game has a slightly new style of battling which adds more of a speed component than in previous Pokemon installments. Now, it is possible to get 2 attacks in before your opponent can even get in 1. But if your pokemon is slow it can feel like theres nothing you can do to stop from losing. This can add some levels of frustration until you get familiar with the battle system especially if you are very used to the classic ways the Pokemon battle system has work in previous games.

Fun: 9/10

There's no doubt that just walking around in an open area just looking for new pokemon to capture is fun even if there is no objective associated with it. This part of playing the game is a feeling that I believe the Pokemon franchise has always been wanting to capture and in this installment it just works the way you want it to.

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· Pokemon Fans