Minor issues but still a great game

User Rating: 9 | Pokemon Sun 3DS

I really enjoy the sound track to the game. It's original and clearly a lot of thought was put into it.

Easily the best looking game of the series. They abandoned that 2D over the top style game for a sleeker 3D look and it's amazing.

Game Play:
Your same old Pokemon game. Z moves were an interesting addiction to spice things up. I like how they replaced HMs and instead gave you access to Pokemon capable of the ability (Charizard for flying, Lapras for surf).

Gym battles are replaced with Trials and Guardian Challenges, Which is a refreshing and original take on things. HMs, as mentioned before, were removed as well and it makes for a bit more faster game play. The story is very boring and there isn't as much open world exploring as there was in previous Pokemon games, It's really point A to point B in a small area with not a lot of room for Pokemon encounters or trainer battles. If you are stuck on a trial challenge, You are gonna end up grinding out a few levels before moving past it. Lack of original Pokemon is disappointing, They recycled a good 70% or more of Pokemon in the game from past generations. They are getting a bit annoying with all the tasks you have to do to evolve a Pokemon (has to be traded with a certain item, has to be leveled up at night or day or in a certain area), I say cut that down and stop making it so annoyingly tedious to simply evolve them.

Overall: 9/10
There's certain issues I have but for the most part, I love Pokemon Sun and I think it's the best entry to the series since Ruby/Sapphire.