Its been 8 months, Im trying to tell Konami Support that, almost every player using NETLIMITER program for cheating.....

User Rating: 1 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 PC
Its been 8 months, Im trying to tell Konami Support that, almost every player using NETLIMITER program for online cheating...
and Konami support says only: Thanks for cantacting us, all will be fine"

I dont care about the rest of the game. What is the point if 9 match of 10 cancelling because of "connection is getting worst" script?
and what is the excuse of cant stopping this damn stupid cheat scenario since a year?

Only an easy script can stop to using NETLIMITER, or they can remove that sdupid "oh connection is getting worst, yeah youre winning 5-0 and its 89 minutes, but lets cancel the match .)" script.

But konami doesnt care about the honest players and their problems.
Sale results enough for them.
I paid for playing game and enjoy, and get nothing except anger and cheat pit.

Konamy is one of the disgusting game company on the earth.
Thats what i wanted to say.