A loving homage to the old-school "DOOM" and "Quake" games that may even exceed them.

User Rating: 9 | Prodeus PC

*DISCLAIMER: Hi there, welcome to my 400th review. What a massive amount. I just want to mention this: even though my review lists the PC version, this was not actually played on the PC. It was played on the Xbox Series X thanks to the recent Game Pass release. For some reason, GameSpot does not have it listed for either Xbox platform as of the time of this review, so I went with the next closest option, which I figured would be PC. Just bear that in mind: this was played on a console and not a PC.*


  • Plenty of demon-slaying mayhem for players to enjoy.
  • A great assortment of weapons (obviously inspired by the old-school id Software shooters).
  • Excellent visual style with great use of sprites that makes for a strong throwback.
  • Fantastic action-packed soundtrack befitting its most epic moments.
  • Huge breadth of difficulty options makes the game great to get into no matter your experience.
  • It feels like the game does a great job of throwing back to the styles of the older "DOOM" and "Quake" titles, but also adds some nice modern touches to make things fresh.
  • Campaign has plenty of levels and content to explore.
  • Level editor tool really helps breed creativity, and there are already some amazing custom levels available in the game (someone made Peach's Castle from "Super Mario 64" and it's AWESOME).


  • Sometimes, the game throws a few too many enemies at you at once, causing difficulty spikes.
  • Level design can blur together just a little bit.

Consensus: It's always fun when a game sneaks up on you and ends up being a great time, and that's exactly what "Prodeus" did for me. After showing up on Xbox Game Pass, I thought it would be fun to give it a whirl, and I ended up being rewarded with an incredibly fun and addicting FPS game that felt like an appropriate throwback. It shows a lot of its "DOOM" and "Quake" inspiration but doesn't feel like cheap nostalgia or the type of game that banks on that alone: there are plenty of modern touches that really help the game out. I'd honestly argue that the game feels more like "DOOM Eternal" dropped into a retro cooling pot and given an old-school filter. It's a really special project, and I think the team at Bounding Box Software did a remarkable job with it. I highly recommend supporting them by grabbing this game, and if you have Xbox Game Pass, my recommendation is even stronger.

Final rating: 9 out of 10 "Awesome"