Play this game this game is awsome

User Rating: 10 | Prototype X360
When I first looked at the cover of prototype I thought, oh one of those crapy kill them all zombie games, but i played it and it is AWSOME!!!!!. [PROTOTYPE] teh awsome game the thing i loved about this game was awsome the superhuman abilities, the powers the deaths!!!!. this is a kill 'em all infection game but it isn't crapy it is awsome, I have never seen wall running put like this and i love games where you just can jump everywhere. the few flaws that i found were the fists being far to overpowered and the hunters spamed you with overpowered attacks. but that is nice to have a challenge. i loved it how you had the freedom to destroy everything. keep up the series loved the game i advise everyone to play this game because IT..........................IS............AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!