An engaging game that is fast paced and action packed from the beginning to end.

User Rating: 9 | Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice PSP
The Pursuit Force is pretty much the coolest cop organization... ever. For some reason they can do just about whatever they want, whenever they want, and it always happens to be right in the knick of timie.
Pursuit force can do anything from defy gravity, space, time, and best of all... they can make a helicopter explode using nothing but 15 shots from a pistol. Yeah, that's how awesome they are.

- Crisp, detailed graphics
- For a story that jumps around so much, its very engaging and awesome.
- For a game that is so easy to make repetitive, it is hardly repetitive at all.
- Great cut-scenes
- Great voice acting
- Very memorable boss battles (Hard Balls is my favorite)

- Infrequent, but noticeable graphical glitches.
- Gang member voices are kind of annoying and repetitive
- Difficulty means you will be repeating some sections over and over.
- On foot shootouts are clunky due to the lack of a second analog stick (auto aim makes up for it a bit)

Story: 9/10.
Very fast paced, it will always have you wondering what is going to happen next.

Sound: 8/10
Great sound effects and voice acting, but the gang members will water that down a bit.

Graphics: 9/10
Not quite the best the PSP has to offer, but it definitely is one of the better looking games for the system.

Presentation: 8/10
Nice menus, load times could be shorter, but the menus are nice and easy to navigate.

Difficulty: 7/10
Probably the weakest point of the game aside from the on foot sequences. You will find yourself repeating some sections several times though which does get annoying, but makes it even more rewarding.

Controls: 9/10
Very sharp control, everything is nice and easy to get used to.

Gameplay: 7/10
Again, the on foot sections are annoying, but the rest of the game is awesome. Never gets very repetitive.

"Fun" Factor: 10/10
Yeah, I went that far. If you have ever like any sort of action, you will absolutely love this game.

Should I get it?
Do you have a PSP? Have you ever liked Action? If the answer is yes to ether of those, then get it.