I looked forward to the graphics, but it's not what it seemed.

User Rating: 7 | RAGE PC
People say the story is horrible, and I don't disagree. But I was hopeful of the graphics and the gameplay. Sadly though, graphics are only great whilst standing still and at a distance, and the gameplay is just another shoot-em up rendition. I got it for $5 bucks off Steam and I must say, people who paid more than that got completely ripped off.

Because reviews cannot be posted without a minimum of 100 characters, I'll just spew some more stuff out, but the top paragraph says it all.

I'm not particularly fond of 3rd person anything, because it takes away from the realism, but that's my opinion and personal preference. During the early driving events, I noticed that you can't look around with the mouse while driving; another disappointment.

The graphics render only enough to give you a detailed frontal view of the game, so when you turn you'll see that graphics need to render again. And more on the graphics is that you'll notice very quickly how the textures aren't amazing up close and seem very film-grainy in many places of the game, saying that the game-makers weren't too devoted to doing any final touch-ups for the game before release.

As always, we can blame the company management for being lack-luster in their intent and how they always find ways to make things lousy for a buck or two in profit.